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What Makes a Diesel Engine More Efficient?

February 15, 2024

If you’re concerned about fuel efficiency, it pays off to do some research and learn about how different engines use fuel differently. Diesel engines have been hailed as some of the most fuel-efficient engines. Let’s look at some of the ways this type of vehicle proves to be a practical purchase.

Fuel Economy

Fuel economy can’t be the only factor you consider when you’re searching for an efficient vehicle purchase, but it’s certainly high on the list. Diesel evaporates more slowly so 20% more energy is produced from diesel than from the same amount of gasoline according to the energy experts at Argonne National Laboratory. This allows diesel cars to travel further than gas cars on each gallon of gas.


Maintenance that’ll be required by the vehicle must also be considered when you’re calculating overall efficiency. Diesel engines have fewer mechanical problems than gasoline engines, which makes them a smart choice. The reason for this is that the diesel engine has fewer parts overall, which means that there is just less to mess up. You’re less likely to need diesel engine repair than you are to need gasoline engine repair.


Because diesel engines use less fuel and require less maintenance and fewer repairs, they are considered to be a sustainable vehicle. A sustainable vehicle is any vehicle that uses fewer resources to accomplish the same amount of work.


There are other advantages of having a diesel engine vehicle as well. One is that they are considered to be high-performance engines. They deliver better acceleration, towing, and hauling power. When compared to gasoline vehicles, diesel is simply tougher and better at getting the job done. When coupled with a supercharger, a diesel engine can perform even better.


When you’re considering which type of vehicle is a better choice long-term, you must consider the lifespan of the engine. Diesel engines have a longer life span than gasoline engines. Whereas most gasoline engines will start having mechanical issues at 100,000 miles, a diesel will last 300,000 plus before you start seeing significant issues, according to our experts.

These are just a few of the reasons why you should consider a diesel engine for efficiency. If you’re looking for diesel engine repair or maintenance, please contact Mid State Diesel today. We are here to help you with your diesel vehicles.

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